Complete this short form to register for the training, if you have any questions, just get in touch.

Leadership Intelligence Registration Form

How did you hear about this training?

Have you read and accepted the terms and conditions? (Scroll down)

12 + 15 =

Once you’ve submitted your registration, I’ll send you an email to confirm your place on the training plus an invoice that also confirms any eligible discount. If you encounter any issues regarding registration, just give me a call on 0211 336 334.
Plain English T&C's
As you'd expect, a few Terms and Conditions for the training you're registering for. I've endeavoured to keep them light and simple, yet if there's anything you need clarification on, just let me know and we can discuss.


Once registered, payment is required within 30-days. If you have registered within 30-days of the training start date, please make payment immediately.


Elevate reserves the right to postpone a training but will only do so under certain circumstances - illness, family crisis, a Government order to lockdown, a natural disaster or a serious weather event for example.

Should this occur, new course dates will be set and your registration will be transferred at no cost to you. If new dates do not suit, I'll produce a credit note in your organisations name for future use.


Cancelling your place or transferring onto another course

Given these trainings run on a small-group basis and for the costs incurred prior to training, if you need to cancel your place on the training within 42 days of the start date, the course fee is non-refundable. If for any reason you can no longer attend this training, you are most welcome to send someone in your place.

If you need to transfer on to a different course, we can make that happen, but there may be a charge to reflect the financial loss when someone transfers.

Start Date Transfer Fee Cancellation Fee
Within 21 days Non transferrable* ^ Course fee non-refundable*
Within 22 to 42 days 50% of the course fee* ^ Course fee non-refundable*
43 days or more 0% Fully refundable, minus an admin fee of $450 per registration

* You have the option to send someone in your place.
^ Unless I can find someone to take your place, in which case no fee applies

If you are needing to transfer because of a family bereavement or an illness, the transfer fee would reduce to 25% if six weeks or less out from the training or 50% if two weeks or less out. Just supply an official document such as a Doctor's note to confirm the reason.

Participants are allowed to transfer onto another course just once.

The start date refers to the start date of the original course registered for, not a course subsequently transferred on to.


Should a course be postponed because Government restrictions, the postponement policy will apply

Whilst at the time of writing these terms there is no Government mandate for participants to be fully vaccinated. However, this may change. If a mandate is imposed and you're -

    • Unable  for medical reasons to be vaccinated, you are welcome to send someone in your place or you'll receive a credit note.
    • Unwilling to be vaccinated, we'll respect your personal choice but you may be excluded from this training, in which case you are welcome to send someone in your place.


If a course is postponed, please ensure you've taken out insurance to cover any travel and accommodation costs, as these cost will not be covered by Elevate.


These trainings take a real-world approach, therefore at times you and other participants may choose to share real and sensitive scenarios on the training. With this in mind it's very important to respect each others confidentiality and not share details with other people outside of the training.

Mental and Emotional Health

As with any training, they'll be a useful level of stretch and challenge. You must ensure that you're in a good state of mental, emotional and physical health to undertake this training.


As an intensive course, it's important that you're wanting to go through this training and are committed to your own development. If by any chance you're resistant to being on this training, it may not be for you, in which case contact me or talk further with your Manager to find some clarity.


To get the most out of this training, please plan for 100% attendance. If that's not possible, talk to me first before registering.

Is this a train the trainer course?

This training isn't a train-the-trainer course, and participants are not licensed to train others in this material. However, if you are wanting to do this, I'm happy to help you define a train-the-trainer type pathway in NeuroLinguistics and Neuro-Leadership.


If you have any concerns about the training - before, during or afterwards - please talk to us directly and we'll work with you towards a resolution. With any concern, let us know what it is, how it affects you and your feeling around it so we can fully understand. If we're unable to reach an agreement, we can share the cost evenly between us for a neutral mediator to help us find a resolution.


By completing this registration form, you understand and accept these terms and conditions and you and your organisation agree to be bound by them.

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